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University of Nebraska isn’t a total expensive school, but it is obviously not the most affordable school to attend either. Books, tuition, and lab fees would make such a saint like Mother Theresa want to at least consider selling a little ass here and there.

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Sometimes you have to do things you never thought u would do to succeed in life. Even selling, or giving ass every now and then to keep up with bills or feel freedom and independence to go shopping every weekend instead of just every other weekend.

Ok, let’s start from the beginning. My name’s Lorianna. I am 21 years old and I am Junior attending University of Nebraska. Yes, prostitution is legal here but I never expected to participate in such a life. I know what you’re assuming…that I am the one doing the prostituting?? NO!!! But somehow, I was able to convince younger naive girls to make it seem more like “dating” than prostituting.

“Fuck! This uppity rich kid ass school is trying to go up on tuition again!” exclaimed Alizandra, the spicy Spanish speaker of the group. The bitch always complains people would rather stare at her size 36D’s than to look her in her hazel colored eyes but the little skank keeps wearing waaay low cut shirts when we go out to the bar. Shit, I shouldn’t complain because she’s hot! I have to catch myself from staring as well. I sometimes imagine myself burying my face in them and sucking both of her nipples at the same time.

“I bloody already paid $500 in total in my books and lab fees this month and that’s after financial aid paid for just some of my tuition! How can I continue to achieve my bloody vetinarian license if I become homeless and pissing in the streets more than the damn dogs!” whined Delilah. I love her British accent! I also am in love with the lips that the British accent is escpaing from. Her brown and blonde streaks coloring her shoulder length hair is like a sunset on a summer’s afternoon. Her eyes are as blue as the seas of a tropical island. I could eat her pussy all night and start into the passion looks on her face with every stroke of the tip of my tongue on her desiring clitoris.

“We gotta do something soon or else we can’t afford to continue to go to school! Also, trying to keep up with the rent on this sorority house and trying to keep up with attendance of new and old pledges ain’t no joke!” replied Bridgette. She’s a olive-toned, light brown wavy haired biracial beauty who always throws her magnificent mane in a ponytail. It’s so alluring when she lets her thick wavy hair fall down to her shoulders. Her full and pouty lips are tempting as well. I wouldn’t mind bending her over stuffing her wet cunt with a strap-on and fondling her perky and bouncy 36C’s with each thrust.

Drinking beer and exercising usually gets my creative juices flowing but right now it is the weekend before Valentine’s Day and I didn’t care because I broke up with my boyfriend last month.

Would I still care about Valentine’s Day a.k.a D-Day for the spousally challenged if my boyfriend and I hadn’t broke just a month prior? I usually have a boyfriend to spend it with but this is the first year where I might have to do it solo.

I had to come up with an idea and fast to shut these whiny ass bitches up. I wish I had 3 mouth gags and rope to tie all three of these picturesque princesses up and spank each of their tight and rotund asses until they call me “Mommy”.

Then finally after 10 minutes, an idea hit me. I figure since Valentine’s Day is coming up, surely not the whole world is going to have a date! So why take advantage of the vulnerable and invite them to beautiful and willing college girls! The guys have to be older of course because they are the most financially sound. Of course some of the frat boys will lie and exaggerate how much money they generate but I’m not a dummy.

“I got it! Let’s start an online intimate dating website!” I exclaimed. “WHAT?!?!” all three cried out in disbelief. “Come on! It’s just dating the guys! We don’t have to do anything more if u don’t want to.” I explained. “Bloody hell, of course these yanks want to shag! It’s all they think about! Such a site can be misleading to these bloats!” Delilah said. “Well anybody that wants to do more with me, there has to be mucho money involved!” Bridgette proclaimed. “Exactly Bridge! Trust there will be major money involved! You don’t have to do anything more unless the guys pays extra and if you want to.” I repeatedly explained. “Well we need someone in the graphic arts department to help us make the site.” Alizandra said. “Don’t worry. I know of the perfect dork…I mean guy to help us.” I assured them. “Is everyone down?” I asked. “O.K.” they reluctantly replied because they know there isn’t any other way yet. Sure, we all have jobs that we work like slaves in, and obviously not getting paid enough in. This is just a “leg up” until after we graduate out of school.

A week later, I was able to show my friends the look of the website and how we were going to handle the guys, security and the funds. We were already having “dates” coming in. I had to explain to the customers on the website if they want sex, it will cost extra and if the girl or girls isn’t comfortable being around him, the date is over whether he paid extra or not. The girl will have a cell phone on her with my number in it so I won’t be too far away along with some frat boys I know to kick the guy’s ass! They seem to be pretty understanding of it. They just want a couple of girls to go out to the club with them for drinks and dinner. They also want to watch the girls kiss and fondle each other which is fine by me because for one: safety is in numbers and two: the girls don’t have to worry about sex with the guy unless they want to have sex. Only several have been that lucky.

Soon, the extra money we needed began to roll in and the other Theta Phi Iota girls wanted to know where we were getting our money from. I’m not telling those bitches anything and I told the others not to tell as well until I decide when we should. I texted the girls the weekend before Valentine’s day that maybe we should have a Valentine’s day party and charge at the door.

“Once again mate you’re a bloomin’ genius!” Delilah exclaimed. Is Homer Simpson right about beer being brain food? I went to our new website, and emailed old and new “temporary boyfriends” that we’re having a lingerie Valentine’s Day party and they must pay at the door. However, there will be candles, champagne, rooms for your enjoyment. We decided the sorority house would be the perfect place for the party since it is a mansion and it is pretty big.

The party started at 11:00 pm. I had just sent out emails to all the sorors the day before to decorate the house red and put on your sexiest lingerie piece because this will be a Valentine’s Day party to remember! The mansion was packed with men and women conversing, drinking, and flirting with each other.

“Hey! Your name is Lori right?” cried out a young girl running towards me. “Yea…who are you?” I asked. “My name is Cherie. I want to join in on whatever you guys are doing to make this all happen! Obvious this didn’t come from any paycheck you guys get every 2 weeks! I can be sexy and fun too!” she whined. “Ok! Ok! I’ll put you to the test. Bring back a really hot guy and you can join with us. I have to introduce to you Alizandra, Bridgette, and Delilah whenever I see them.” I replied. “I know where they are!” she exclaimed and grabbed my хэнд and led me to each girl. I couldn’t help but to watch her tight perky ass swivel right to left in those red boyshorts. I also couldn’t help but to notice her 36B’s perked up and out her red bustier and her red hair pulled into a ponytail flying side to side with each step. I just wanted to say “Fuck finding these chickenheads! Let’s get alone time!” and drag her in an empty room, lock the door, grab her cute tight ass and suck her nipples until they shoot bullets.

After we pushed through crowds of drunken, horny minglers; we found an empty room on the very top floor. “Everyone this is Cherie. She wants to join our “secret club”. Everyone waved and some said hello. “She’s cute isn’t she? She reminds me of a doll! Ok. I told Cherie she can join us if for one thing, she doesn’t speak a word of our club and for two if she can find us a total hottie for us to take advantage of, she’s definitely in!” After 5 minutes, Bridgette got tired of waiting and said she’s got some money walking around the mansion and left. Delilah said she has an exam to study for and left as well.

There we were, Alizandra and I. We were both sitting on the couch waiting for Cherie to get back with a decent guy to have “fun” with. “I don’t feel like waiting all night for her” said Alizandra. “Me either.” I said and found myself staring and desiring her 36D’s. I looked up and she was looking at me. I gasped and blushed. “What were you looking at?” she grinned and asked devilishly. “Well, you do have on that sexy ass chemise gown. I can’t help but look at them.” I replied. “You wanna touch them?” she asked as she brushed her right хэнд above the crevice of her “plump pillows”. I reached a хэнд out to touch along the lines of her breasts also.

She began to slowly take off her chemise gown and fully exposed her jiggly jugs. I got in front of her on my knees, palmed each breast, sucked and kissed each stiff, inviting nipple. She would give a subtle but still sort of loud moan with each flick of my tongue. She brought my head back up to her lips, and gently but firmly tongue kissed me. We almost forgot about Cherie’s return.

“Ahem. Ladies…this is Damien. He’s my brother.” she said. Alizandra and I jumped up and fixed ourselves. I was nervous not only because I almost technically “pimped” this guy’s sister out, but he was a gorgeous stack of man! He had dark hair and stood 6’2″. He looked pretty athletic and his green eyes take your breath away!

“Ummm…Cherie can I talk to you alone?” I asked. “Yea sure! What’s up?” she asked happily for some reason because I’m actually going to hurt her feelings a little. “Why didn’t you tell me you have a brother and why are you trying to get him to pay for sex?” I inquired. “Well you never really asked did I have any brothers and sisters and my brother is such a prude when it comes to sex! He doesn’t have much luck with women so I figured maybe he can get with some sophisticated girls like you guys.” We’re sophisticated? Well I guess we haven’t turned into crack whores yet, so maybe.

“Cherie…can I cut in for a sec? We’re leaving after this too.” her brother Damien said as he was walking behind me. “Ok. Nice meeting you Lori. I’ll keep in touch.” Cherie assured. “No you won’t Cherie. Now go wait in the car for me.” Damien sternly replied to his younger sister. She turned and walked towards his car sensing he means business.

“I meant no harm on your sister.” I explained. “I know about your little operation and what you do is your business, but when you try to involve my sister, it’s now my business.” Damien replied. “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I wasn’t really serious about adding your sister in. She’s still too naive and innocent and guys love to take advantage of a girl like her.” I responded. I wish I can proclaim my love for him but trying to corrupt his younger sister isn’t grounds for my being his perfect girlfriend. ” I have to worry about guys and girls taking advantage of her?!?! Just stay away from us please.” he said and walked away.

Valentine’s day has as of yet to right for me. The perfect guy gone because either deceit on his little sister’s part or maybe on my part. After the party, I just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep until Monday when classes start back up and it’s back to business. I texted Bridgette, Delilah, and Alizandra to let them know let’s just close down the website and have a glass of whatever champagne is left.

“Well if he can’t understand your hustle then you don’t need him anyways.” Bridgette said. “True, but I don’t think he really cared about what I did, it was just the fact his little sister almost got involved. Just forget it. He will never forgive me.” I said sadly. “Don’t get down, luv. We’re your new boyfriends now.” Delilah jokingly said. “Hey Lori! There’s some flowers for you!” one of the sorors exclaimed. She brought a slim pink vase filled with a dozen roses. There’s no name on the card for me to determine if they’re from Damien or one of our “boy toys”.

Oh well, Happy Valentine’s Day to me.