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Boy Plus Girl Equals Love

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Hello, there. My name is Stacy Jane Bourgeois. I’ve got a riddle for you. How does a chick who’s fat, ugly in the face, has a huge plump ass and an aloof personality gets to become the most popular female on a college campus teeming with rich and sexy women? Who in hell would let her become so popular? Either it’s an act of supernatural intervention or there’s cunning and trickery involved. Vote for the latter if you want to win. The answer is simple, folks. She adapted! A lot! One more confession, I’m the fat chick in question and this is my fun-filled and very true story.

Why did I write this story? As a message of empowerment to fat women everywhere. I’m a fat woman and guess what? I can be a temptress and a seductress as well as an empowered and independent woman. Skinny women shouldn’t get to have all the fun. It’s bad enough that they steal all the good men and get the best jobs, the best houses and the best relationships, they don’t have to take every pleasure of this life for themselves too. The world doesn’t revolve around skinny women. I’m here to declare that Big Women Rule!

I’m a student at the Amherst Institute of Technology in Amherst, Massachusetts. The Amherst Institute of Technology is a small private school with nine thousand students. The institution has strong programs in civil and mechanical engineering, computing and biomedical engineering. Recently, a liberal arts program was created in an attempt to diversify the college campus. I’ve been going there since the year 2004, when I enrolled as a freshman. Before that, I attended Brockton French Academy, a private school located in Brockton, Massachusetts.

I graduate from Amherst Tech in 2008. This year, I’ve decided that I want to be popular. I’ve always had a thing for pretty guys, but they don’t like me. Partly it’s because I’m a six-foot-three, red-haired, large-breasted, thick-bodied and big all over, somewhat hefty gal. Alright, fine. I’ll be honest. I’m not curvy. I’m not voluptuous. I don’t have a mere few extra pounds. I’m absolutely fucking enormous. There, are you happy? I weigh three hundred and ninety pounds and I’m a member of the Amherst Tech Women’s Rugby Team.

Amherst Tech is one of a few American colleges or universities with a Women’s Rugby program. They have tons of sports, though, for both men and women. Amherst Tech student-athletes compete in Men’s Varsity Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Indoor Track, Archery, Rodeo, Rugby, Lacrosse, Ice Hockey, Rowing, Sailing, Wrestling, Bowling, Golf, Tennis and Swimming along with Women’s Varsity Softball, Indoor Track, Basketball, Archery, Cross Country, Rugby, Soccer, Field Hockey, Eqyestrian, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Ice Hockey, Swimming, Rowing, Sailing, Golf, Wrestling and Tennis. We compete in the NCAA Division One. Our sports teams are known as the Amherst Flying Pirates and the Lady Pirates. We had won NCAA Medals in Football, Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Men’s and Women’s Wrestling and Men’s Golf. We were considered an athletic powerhouse in collegiate America.

Yeah, I was a lonely sportswoman on a campus filled with gorgeous feminine beauties who stole all the guys until I hatched a plan to get the guys to notice me. I would go after the most popular guy on campus and win him over. Who was the most popular guy on campus? That’s easy, Zachary Alexander Etienne. The six-foot-three, 240-pound, Haitian-American quarterback and Most Valuable Player of the Men’s Varsity Football team. One of the demigods on campus. He was sexy, smart and incredibly popular. Also, lots of women were after him. He was dating a tall, gorgeous young black woman named Sylvia Jenkins. Both of them came from money. Zachary Etienne was the son of Emmanuel Etienne, the Haitian-American billionaire businessman who founded Etienne Enterprises, one of the leading shipping firms in America.

Sylvia Jenkins came from old money. Her father, Luther Jenkins was a prominent African-American businessman from Atlanta and her mother, Lydia Samson Jenkins was the first female CEO of Samson & Delvin, one of the largest and most powerful law firms in Massachusetts. Yeah, the gal had dough. And she had beauty and brains too. They made the perfect couple. The Football stud and his Dime Piece girlfriend. How could anyone hope to ever break them up? I mean, sexier women than me had tried, only to be rejected by Zachary. He didn’t cheat on his perfect girlfriend with any of us mere mortals. Still, I couldn’t just give up. I had to find a way.

Fortunately, I had one class with Zachary Etienne. Criminology. It was a fun class. That’s where I approached him. It turns out the sexy black stud was quite friendly. We had a lot in common. He was into comic books and action movies, just like me. I’ve always been into guy stuff. Contact sports, comic books and action movies. I played with GI Joe instead of Barbie. I found him a lot more interesting. Before long, Zachary and I were buddies. I even bought some comic books, like this month’s issue of Spiderman and Wolverine, and brought them to him. He appreciated that a lot. He even confided in me that his girlfriend, the seemingly perfect Sylvia wasn’t into sports, comic books or action movies. She was an extremely girly kind of woman. This is where it pays to be a tomboy. I had sensed Zachary’s secret need and Sylvia’s weakness. I was determined to exploit both to my ultimate advantage.

Zachary and I began to hang out more and more after class. It was eerie how much we had in common. A big black man hanging out with a big white woman. The world is wonderfully diverse place, isn’t it? I let him know that he could be himself around me. Thanks to political correctness, lots of men keep their emotions under lock and key around members of the opposite sex, especially in places like school and work. That’s too bad. Men are human beings, not robots. The feminists and their politically correct watchdogs should leave them alone. I made Zachary comfortable, and let him know that he could tell me anything. He opened up to me, and somehow, our conversations about football, college life and comic books gave way to more intimate stuff. He told me that he and Sylvia were having problems. She was a little control freak and although he cared about her, he didn’t need the drama. He needed his space.

I told him that in a relationship, people compromised with each other. Zachary laughed, and told me that Sylvia was a spoiled brat who got really angry and loud when she didn’t get her way. She made him miserable. I told him that he should be with someone who made him happy. The next time I saw him, he told me he dumped Sylvia. It was so hard for me to appear sad, but I pulled it off. I gave him a hug and told him I’d be there for him. Then, we went to my dormitory to hang out.

We were sitting on my couch, watching Stargate on the Sci-Fi Channel that Friday night. Just two friends watching a TV show while chugging down some beer and telling jokes. I was doing my best to cheer up Zachary. He put his arm around me and told me he was lucky to have a friend of my caliber. I smiled, and my heart went pitter patter. In that moment, all of my worries about popularity and visibility vanished. I only wanted to be with Zachary. So I gathered my courage and leaned to kiss him. I pressed my lips against his. I kissed him passionately. And, amazingly, he kissed me back.

When we finally came up for air, I was very nervous. Oh, my Gosh! I just kissed the man I loved. Did he feel the same way? Zachary smiled, and kissed me. That was all the answer I needed. We tumbled on the floor, rolling on top of one another. Zachary caressed me, kissed me, and began undressing me. Suddenly, I remembered something. I stopped him. He looked at me, puzzled. I hesitated. Should I tell him this? Oh, well. He was going to find out anyway. I told him the shameful secret I had carried inside all these years. I was twenty one years old and still a virgin! Zachary stared at me, stunned. Then, he smiled and nodded understandingly. He resumed kissing me.

I kissed him back, and, without fear or shame, removed all of my clothes. Bra and panties included. I was naked in front of him. A big, beautiful naked woman. The chunky beauty, that’s me. Did he like what he saw? I sure hoped so. Zachary smiled, and told me I looked hot. Then, he began kissing my lips and neck, before fondling my tits. He caressed my belly, and kissed a path to my pelvic region. Instinctively, I clamped my legs shut. I’m sensitive down there. Zachary smiled and told me he only wanted to bring me pleasure. I nodded, and spread my legs wide, opening myself to him.

Zachary breathed in the smell of my womanhood, and I suddenly thanked heaven for reminding me to use vaginal deodorant this morning. I certainly did not think I would get a visitor down there so soon. He slid first one finger, then two inside of me. I gasped as he entered me. Oh, my. This was intense. He knew what he was doing, though. I don’t know how, but his fingers went into parts of me I never thought would be explored one day. I welcomed his digits inside of me, and he played with my pussy like Mozart on a piano. I leaned back, relaxed, and enjoyed. He began licking my pussy and fingering my clit. An orgasmic concert the likes of which I can barely describe soon followed. I squealed in pleasure, loving every moment of it.

A few moments later, I had recovered. Zachary smiled. I kissed his hand, then told him to get on with it. I couldn’t wait to experience him inside of me. Then, I saw his dick. It was huge! At least nine inches long and thick. Also, it was uncut. I didn’t mind. Tentatively, I reached out and touched it. I felt it harden in my hand. Zachary smiled, and rubbed his cock against my pussy lips. Then, he looked me in the eye. I nodded impatiently. I had waited twenty one years to lose my virginity and that was long enough! With a swift thrust, Zachary’s big black cock went into me. And I knew as I felt a sharp pain deep inside, that I would never be the same.

Oh, man. The initial pain was sharp, but I got over it. As Zachary began thrusting his cock into me, I felt a little bit of pleasure. I still felt some pain, though, and asked him to slow down. He nodded. As he resumed doing me, I felt a wave of different, all-new sensations. Understand that I’ve never done this before. I’ve pleasured myself using my fingers and the occasional dildo, and my vibrator has gotten a workout over the years, but having a dick inside me was just so different. Live cock felt different…better. I liked it! Zachary worked his magic, filling me up completely. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. I wanted more of him. I couldn’t get enough. He continued drilling me until he finally came, filling me with his manly seed. We both screamed in sheer pleasure.

Afterwards, Zachary and I lay on my bed, quite happy together. I was so happy to be with him. And that’s all that mattered. That night, I stopped thinking about what the people at school thought of me. I didn’t care about popularity anymore. I had just found the rarest of all things, true love, and that was good enough for me. Zachary and I would remain together until graduation. He got a bachelor’s degree in business, and I had mine in Criminology. We moved into an apartment in the Back Bay of Boston together. And I never regretted any of it.